For over 15 years Steef has been teaching the course World Evangelization – That All May Hear. He has been involved in different forms of world missions for over 40 years. He is an experienced and sought after course-teacher in many countries. His main field of work is in Africa.
This course is meant to make members of the church of Jesus Christ conscious of the necessity, to execute that part of the Great Commissions that is usually left undone because it is too hard. In almost 7,000 people groups in the world the gospel is still unknown. Missionaries need to be sent to them urgently.
The course will be taughton invitation, to (house)churches, Bible- or missionary training schools and to groups that master the English language sufficiently. The course can be taught in Dutch also.
Teaching the course takes about 20 hours and can be presented over a ten-week period, weekly during an evening, or during five consecutive weeknights plus a Saturday, or during two weekends (Friday evenings and the whole Saturday).
The course material consists of a book (available in English or French) of about 130 pages A-5 format, that will be sold at costprice. The foundation Recruiting for Missions operates by means of unsolicited gifts; only a travel cost reimbursement is asked for (course days times the number of kilometers)
The course is an introduction to missions, in which all sorts of elementary missiological topics are being explained. Lessons deal with the Biblical mandate for missions, missions history, its accomplishments and the remaining task. The challenges of communication, culture and foreign religions are being discussed and how the church of Christ can be involved practically with their missionaries and the work they do.
The course is meant for all church members who want to learn more about what missions is all about, for missionaries’ home-front committees, pastors, church councils, teams of elders, but especially for those who prepare themselves to go to the mission field, even if that is only for a short time.
For more information you can contact us at